Saturday, May 16, 2015

It Goes Way Beyond Dirt and Dinosaurs.

You’re having a BOY!! What??? No, that can’t be right…I’m as girlie as they get…I “felt” as though I was expecting a girl…I’ve been calling this baby Delaney for the last 5 months!  A boy?!?!? What am I supposed to do with a boy??

After the shock wore off,  the excitement started to settle in! I’m married to a male, I have 3 younger brothers, my husband isn’t my first relationship….clearly I like and I’m familiar with boys.  I can raise a boy.

I knew what to expect (somewhat) and have a plan in raising him to be a well-rounded little dude.  Despite my best efforts to maintain a degree of gender neutralism in our home, for example: by buying him a play kitchen in which he plays “house” where sometimes he’s the “Mom” sometime the “Dad” and sometimes the “Grandma”, I still can’t control what he mostly gravitates towards, which is ALL of the stereotypical “boy” stuff…dirt, monster trucks, trains, bugs, rough housing, the color blue, being gross and at times inappropriate. I still feel confident that he’s well on his way to being a great, thoughtful and sensitive gentleman someday.  Not a beer guzzling, belching jerk.

 Even though I felt pretty prepared to have another male in my life, my son still manages to surprise me on a regular basis, even four years into the job.  This past week has been no exception.  Starting with a bowling party that we went to last Saturday…In-between sets he rested his head amongst two bowling balls…as though it was the most comfortable spot in the place…not the loungey sofas….but the bowling balls…I couldn’t stop him.  You like what you like, right?   

Later in the week as I was putting him to bed and he farted…loud.   Before I could remind him to say excuse me he said “My butt is talking” and he proceeded to blow several raspberries.  Intrigued I asked him what his butt was saying….to which he replied.  “I don’t know, it’s baby talk.” I guess we’ll have to ask your little sister to translate.   

The next day as I was getting him in the bath I noticed that he had dirt in EVERY nook and cranny…what the heck? “I like to roll around in the dirt like a pig.” he said. Alrighty.  5 minutes later he was snorting, needing to blow his nose.  When I handed him a tissue he refused.  “I’m just sounding like a pig and breathing at the same time.” Did he go on a fieldtrip to a farm without my permission? Why all of a sudden is he channeling a pig?  I don’t have the answer for what makes a boy's boy tick.  I just know that I’m going to have to up my aromatherapy game before puberty hits.  So bring on the boogers and ball scratching…I’ve got his. 


  1. This had my LOL'ing like a crazy person! Sounds like a 4 year old boy! I love it. There's only so much "spit polish" us mamas can do for our little boys. But...would we really have it any other way? :)

    1. You and I both know that we wouldn't trade our little dirt monsters for ANYTHING in the world!! :)

  2. now that you have your little girl, i think your little boy had to come first! :)

    1. It's a wonder that we went for baby #2!!! ;-)
